Monday, February 22, 2010

Custom Zulutrade Analysis of Providers

I am currently working on an analysis of 35 system providers and putting everything on a spread sheet.

It's not done however click here to see what I have done so far.

What I am doing is running 5 demos of the same 35 system providers but with different settings. The 6th demo is with LowestDD by itself to see how just that one system produces. By the way, all these demos are trading 1 standard lot except for DM9979000 which is 2 standard lots. I want to find out if this account will do great if I trade 2 standard lots on only 23 of the best 35 systems.

Here is a taste of what you will see in the spread sheet that I am creating. There is a lot more detailed info on the spread sheet but this should give you a little idea of what I am working on. If you would like a copy of this spread sheet, please email me at

By the way, the following demos were all opened around the January 24, 2010.

Open LowestJanuary
DM0424221 and 11108%($27,000)1240
DM0456182 and 12934%($30,000)1534
DM1922072 and 29524%margined-1517
DM4623253 and 19355%margined-1741
DM9979001 and 12119%margined-1,334
DM942360No Limit197%(1,271)117

The explanation of 1 and 1 etc. is as follows:

DM042422351 Total Max and 1 Max per Currency1 mini
DM045618352 Total Max and 1 Max per Currency1 mini
DM192207352 Total Max and 2 Max per Currency1 mini
DM462325353 Total Max and 1 Max per Currency1 mini
DM9979000351 Total Max and 1 Max per Currency2 mini
DM942360LowestDDNo max limit and No limit on currency1 mini

As you can see from the table above. Three $50,000 accounts have already margined out. And the first two have some huge DD.

What I am trying to do is stretch the boundaries or limits of what can be done with a $50,000 balance. And as you can see, that obviously having too many systems and too many max allowable positions ie. too much leverage will bust the account. What I am doing is working from the end and work backwards.

Since I have small accounts now, I want to know how the systems and I will behave when my balance is $50,000. Since I know from personal experience that creative visualization is very important in creating what you want, I might as well act as if I have it already.

Plus one of the secrets to making money is obviously to make more than you lose but moreover it's about preserving your capital or keeping more of what you made already.

With regards to the systems, I want to know which systems produce the most with the least amount of DD. All systems even the best ones have drawdown. The trick is to only use the ones that produce the most pips with the least amount of DD. Pretty simple but not that easy! ;)

We have to put in the time and research in the beginning to make it pay off for us later. And it's still going to take more time, patience, persistence and discipline to make it really big in forex. And I am willing to take on the challenge. As the saying goes, "I'd rather get rich slowly then go broke fast!" And since we are working with small balances's even more critical that we work smarter!

What do you think of the above philosophy and all that I have shared with you thus far?

I would love to hear your input and feedback. Let's collaborate!

Warm wishes,

Mike Torres, Realtor
Miami, FL
(305) 389-0170 cell


  1. Hi, very interesting post, but why is your margin meter so hi? Because ive tried the settings you say and my margin meter didnt go more than 50%...

  2. Hi Mike

    Is the blog still active? I am trying something to counter the huge DD's that some SP's get. I'll report back later.
